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- Behold the Glory of Christ
- Take up your cross
- The Messiah's Mission
- A Great Confession
- Advancing the Gospel
- Lessons for Disciples
- Jesus and the Gentiles
- Great Faith
- Jesus and the Jerusalem Delegation Part 2
- Jesus and the Jerusalem Delegation Part 1
- Jesus Walks on the Sea
- Feeding of the Five Thousand part 2
- Feeding of the Five Thousand
- Discovering True Treasure
- On Earth, Peace
- The Grace of Giving
- The Message of Christmas
- Hope in Satan's Curse
- Important Aspects of Thanksgiving
- Grateful for Eternity
- Uniti of the Brethren Part 2
- Unity in the Brethren Part 1
- Freedom
- Herod Hears about Jesus
- Jesus in His Hometown
- The End of the Age
- The Treasure Principle
- The Mustard seed and the Leaven
- The Wheat & the Tares
- The Parable of the Sower [Part 2]
- The Parable of the Sower [Part 1]
- The Blessing of Parables
- His Steadfast Love
- United in Truth & Love
- Declaring the Unknown God
- Becoming part of the Family
- An Evil & Adulterous Generation
- Blasphemy
- Self-Deception
- Devotion
- Love Him
- Beware of the False Prophets Part 2
- Beware of the False Prophets
- The Promise Fulfilled
- Love For Mothers
- Realizing Our Truth
- Jesus Appears by the Lake
- Jesus Appears to His Disciples
- Companions on the Road to Emaus
- Mary at the Empty Tomb
- The Sequel to Jesus Death
- The Agony of Jesus at Gethsemane
- A call to commitment
- Living with the Golden Rule
- Stay'n Alive
- Living in Relationship with your Father
- Do not be anxious: Part 2
- Do not be anxious: Part 1
- Managing Treasure
- The Heart Behind Fasting
- Right Kind of Prayer
- Love in Action
- Charges for the New Year
- Christ Jesus Exalted
- Yes, But Why?
- Who is the Child in the Manger? (part 3)
- Who is the Child in the Manger? (part 2)
- Who is the Child in the Manger (Part 1)
- Thanksgiving for God's Church
- The Right Kind of Prayer
- The Heart Behind Prayer
- The Heart Behind Giving
- Love Your Enemies
- How to Deny Self
- The Law of Retaliation
- Swearing
- Regarding Divorce
- Do Not Commit Adultery
- Do not Murder
- Accept no Substitutions
- An Introduction to Righteousness
- Living the Good life
- To The Little Ones (Part 8)
- To The Little Ones (Part 7)
- To the Little Ones (Part 6)
- To the Little Ones (Part 5)
- Feed Them What?
- To the Little Ones (Part 4)
- To the Little Ones (Part 3)
- To the Little Ones (Part 2)
- To The Little Ones (Part 1)
- Prayer Plan and Purpose
- Yahweh's Servant
- Regarding the Sabbath
- Remembering a Model Faith
- To the Clever and the Childlike "Pt.2"
- To the Clever and Childlike
- Jesus Address Concerning John
- The Comfort of Resurrection
- The Comfort of Resurrection
- Hear This
- "When Doubts Arise"
- "Effects of Following Jesus"
- "Fear Not"
- "Following Orders"
- "Be Ready, Part 2"
- "Be Ready"
- "The Sending of the Twelve"
- "The Crop is Ripe"
- Jesus Restores Blindness and Muteness
- "Jesus Restores Two Women"
- God's Providential Care
- Entering the New Year (Part2)
- The Main Event
- Record to Reality
- A Conclusion to Giving Thanks
- Lets Give Him Thanks
- Clash between Jesus & Judaism
- The Sick Need a Savior
- Jesus Can Forgive Our Sins
- An Unwelcome Healing